+ 41 76 740 16 09
Looking forward to book a lesson or clinics but not sure about your level or equipment?
Everything you need to know before attending a mountain bike session.
What gear & equipment do you need?
Head Protection
A correctly fitted mountain bike helmet is mandatory for all riders. A full face helmet is advised in the bikepark.
Clear lens goggles or sport sunglasses are highly recommended.
Body Protection
Full Finger Gloves
Closed-Toe Shoes
Sport Apparel
Elbow and Knee Pads
Body Armour
Neck Brace
Downhill Bike – Full suspension bike, 200 mm travel, especially designed for gravity.
Enduro bike – Full suspension bike 140 – 160 mm travel. Designed for gravity and limited ascent.
Other Essentials
A small backpack.
Water to hydrate – 1.5l min. for a full day trip.
Chocolate bar – to keep the sugar level high.
High factor sun cream – to keep you protected from alpine sun.
Rain and wind protection.
You can rent your bikes and equipment from one of the bike shops in Verbier

You are new to the sport. If you have never mountain biked before it can seem pretty frightening. As long as you’re comfortable riding a bike on tarmac then you can give enduro or downhill mountain biking a go.
Terrain: You have limited or no experience with off-road trail riding.
Skills You have a good command of the bicycle on the road.
I want to spend a nice day outdoors: Family Tour or E-biking! >
I want to try myself out in this sport: Try Beginner coaching clinics >

You are a hobby mountain biker with experience riding on flowy single trails.
Terrain: You are comfortable riding on flowy terrain. You enjoy blue and red trails the most!
Obstacles You are comfortable and confident rolling over small obstacles like roots, rocks and small rollable drops. You sometimes walk bigger obstacles.
Bike Skills: Room for improvement with speed control and braking.
You have good posture when climbing and descending and basic cornering skills.
Physical Condition: In a day you can tackle 500 metres of ascent, 2500m descent and pedal 15km.
I want to ride the best trails: Try Enduro guiding >

You have mountain biked for years, this is your passion. You might have tried yourself out in racing. You are not the slowest in the wolf pack.
Terrain: You are comfortable riding on aggressive terrain including jumps, muddy roots and rock gardens. In the bike park you are comfortable on all types of trails.
Obstacles: You hop over obstacles with a good flow, feeling comfortable having both wheels leaving the ground. You can tackle medium to large size drops.
I want to ride the best trails: Try Enduro guiding >
Bike Skills: You have good speed control and braking, correct posture when climbing and descending and good cornering skills.
Physical Condition: In a day you can tackle 1000+ metres of ascent, 2500+ descent and 25+ km of pedalling.
I want to ride faster with style: